Written by Tom Powell
January 2, 2022

In mid-fall of 1992, five model railrwayers (Don Diamond, Jim Banner, Wolf Kurz, Scott Gibb and myself, Tom Powell) met at the home of Don Diamond. As we talked, we discovered we had at least two common desires: one was to find a place where we could build a permanent layout for the model railway and the second was that the public could operate it even if we were not attending it. Jim had brought a hand drawn track plan and the group really liked it. We knew it was time for us to make this a reality in Saskatoon.

Very quickly after that meeting we entered into a contractual agreement with the Western Development Museum. The Museum agreed to provide the glass, electricity and space for our railway, and we would own and operate everything inside the enclosure. We were thrilled as construction began in December 1992. 

The maiden voyage of the first train on our track ran in the spring of 1993. Our railway was a diorama depicting the first railway built in Saskatchewan, which ran from Regina to Prince Albert. The model has run virtually unchanged ever since. Today, the counter on the system registers just shy of 500,000 rounds the train has taken on the track.

In 1995, we expanded our presence at the WDM by adding a new space depicting a typical 1950s living room with a model railway on the floor. This railway was actually two railways, one was O Gauge and the other was G Gauge/Scale. These railways have proved to be a very popular addition and are decorated for Christmas each year. They also run at the push of a button from museum-goers of all ages.

It was about this same time that we expanded our interests by building a portable G Gauge railroad. Our impressive design was later nicknamed “The Big One” and we have traveled with it to Lloydminster, Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Moose Jaw, and Regina and others we cannot remember. We also set it up at its home base, the WDM, whenever there is space for us. As the group has aged and as this railway has expanded and become less movable, we have stopped showing it around the country but are still happy to display it at the WDM.

Sadly, our original group has changed over the years. In 1995, Don had different interests and decided to leave the group. Jack Alexander came aboard but he unfortunately passed away in 2012. During the time Jack was with us, I was the only unretired member as I was still working as a Minister. We playfully referred to ourselves as “the four grouchy geezers and their godly guide.” Jim Banner later passed in April 2014, and Scott Gibb in January 2020. Leaving only Wolf Kurz and myself from the original five.

In a more positive light, we have had the pleasure of adding Merlin Hanson and his sons, Garrett and Colton to our group. A few short years after joining, Merlin moved to Nanaimo, B.C., at which time Colton left the group too. Other newer members include Bill Aitken, Larry Brown, and my grandson, Adam Brookman.  We will happily welcome a few more model railwayers to join our group!

With the younger blood in our group now, a few months ago we undertook the major task of modernizing the electrical system. This upgrade includes computerization and new controllers. The project will continue to occupy our time for the next few months.

When you come to Saskatoon, be sure to come and see not only our history, but the history of Saskatchewan’s railway!